Personalized Direct-Mail Catalogs for Black-Owned DTC Brands 20-Page Catalog Outline

Content Outline for a 20-Page Digest Sized, Personalized Direct Mail Catalog

Learn exactly what should be included on each page of a highly effective 20-page direct mail catalog. Get outline summaries and idea starters for optimizing every section. Page 1 Cover

Page 1:

The catalog cover visually introduces your brand.

  • A bold image,

  • logo,

  • and minimal text create an eye-catching first impression.

The contact info and QR code to your website allow readers to instantly engage.

Idea Starter: Personalize the cover photo with each customer's most recent purchase to increase relevance. Page 2 Welcome Letter + Table of Contents

Page 2:
Welcome Letter + Table of Contents

A personalized welcome letter connects immediately through a

  • greeting,

  • note from founder,

  • overview, and

  • promo code.

Idea Starter: Incentivize reorders by including promo codes for 20% off their most purchased product category. Pages 3-14 Product Pages

Pages 3-14:
Product Pages

Showcase products through:

  • images,

  • names,

  • descriptions,

  • and pricing.

Drive online sales using:

  • QR codes,

  • promo codes,

  • personalized URLs and

  • AR (Augmented Reality)

This will allow omni-channel shopping.

Idea Starter: Display top picks based on the recipient's purchase history and interests. Page 15 - Brand Storytelling

Page 15:
Brand Storytelling

Share your origin story and mission to build an emotional connection.

Idea Starter: Use personalized data to feature customers from each recipient's city in your founding story. Page 16 - Company Info

Page 16:
Company Info


  • contact details,

  • locations,

  • hours and

  • ways to engage

for ongoing relationships.

Idea Starter: Share photos of your team (especially animals!) or workspace to give a behind-the-scenes look at your brand. Page 17 Special Offers

Page 17:
Special Offers

Limited-time discounts and personalized promos encourage prompt purchases.

Idea Starter: Vary personalized promo code discounts based on customer lifetime value.

For example:

  • Customers with under $100 lifetime value receive 10% off promo codes

  • $100-500 lifetime value customers get 15% off promo codes

  • Over $500 lifetime value customers receive 20% off promo codes

This way, your best and most loyal customers are rewarded with bigger discounts for their higher lifetime value. Newer customers still get a promo code incentive, just at a lower initial percentage.

You can segment lifetime value tiers in any way that makes sense for your brand. The key is to incentivize reorders while increasing lifetime value over time. Page 18 - Swag Store

Page 18:
Swag Store

Showcasing branded merchandise boosts sales. Add a QR code to drive traffic to your online store.

Idea Starter: Curate suggested products in the swag store based on past purchases.

For example:

  • Customers who purchased dresses could be shown branded scarves and handbags as suggested accessories.

  • Customers who bought fitness gear could get suggested items like water bottles, sweat towels, and hats to complete their look.

  • Pet supply buyers could see suggested pet toys, bandanas, and leashes as complementary swag.

This allows you to showcase relevant branded merch that goes with products each customer has already shown interest in buying from your brand. The suggestions feel customized and on-point. Page 19 - Share the Love

Page 19:
Share the Love

Encourage social sharing and showcase user generated content (UGC) to involve readers.

Idea Starter: Feature UGC visuals submitted by the recipient first to increase relevance.

For example:

You could run a holiday UGC contest on social media asking customers to post styled holiday outfit photos using your brand's products and special hashtag #[BrandName]HolidayStyle.

Select winner photos showcasing your products in festive ways to feature on this catalog page. Spotlighting recipients' own UGC makes it highly relevant and personal.

The branded hashtag also expands your products' visibility during peak holiday shopping, as entrants will share contest posts on their own feeds. Page 20 - Back Cover

Page 20:
Back Cover

Essentials like address, contact info, and website/social links drive ongoing engagement.

Idea Starter: Encourage recipients to "share the mail" by passing the catalog on to someone else after reading.

For example:

Include a message like "Enjoyed the catalog? Share the joy and pass it on to a friend!"

To incentivize sharing, add a personalized promo code for both the sender and receiver valid on their next purchase when they share an image of the catalog handoff on social media.

This could expand your catalog reach and marketing through postal mail sharing. It also engages customers in promoting your brand among their own networks. COVER 20-Page Direct Mail Catalog Content Guide and Page Outline

Get the Complete Catalog Blueprint

Want all 20 pages of catalog content outlined in a simple, printable guide? Download our complete PDF outlining objectives, elements, and idea starters for optimizing each section of your direct mail catalog.

Keep this valuable blueprint close as you plan and develop content to engage customers across every catalog page. With clear explanations and practical examples, it makes creating an effective catalog easy.

Download the full page-by-page catalog content blueprint now to start planning an engaging print piece that drives results!

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